First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit for Horses and Riders

by Robert N. Oglesby DVM


Introduction » First Aid Kit Contents: » What Should Not Be in the First Aid Kit » In the Saddle Bag » More Info & Discussions

The purpose of first aid for horses is to minimize the damage done by disease or injury and prevent complications, so that healing can proceed as rapidly as possible. Sometimes first aid is all you need, other times it is a temporary measure until further help arrives. Either way equine first aid can remarkably affect the outcome. Effective first aid requires preparation. This does not have to be a large expensive collection of exotic drugs. You can be sure a kit with many kinds of over the counter and prescription drugs will rapidly have expensive medications going out of date. Many of the important supplies you have at home already. This article provides you with a good start on building an effective yet inexpensive first aid kit, the articles in the rest of the First Aid topic explain how to use them. ...more.

First Aid Kit Contents:

Introduction » First Aid Kit Contents: » What Should Not Be in the First Aid Kit » In the Saddle Bag » More Info & Discussions

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