Corneal Ulcers, Fungal and Bacterial Keratitis

Infectious Eye Ulcers, Bacterial and Fungal Keratitis of Horses

by Robert N. Oglesby DVM


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The cornea is the clear part of the eye globe that allows light into the inner eye so we can see. Trauma to the cornea is a very painful condition with squinting, cloudiness of the cornea, redness of the conjunctiva, and watery discharge from the eye. A common complication of trauma to the eye is infection of the cornea and this is called infectious keratitis. A serious complication of corneal infection is a rapidly progressive ulceration of the cornea caused by bacteria or fungi that release enzymes that dissolve the cornea.

Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative keratitis is resulting in better outcomes for horses. This article deals with the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of equine ulcerative keratitis.


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Infectious keratitis occurs as a complication of trauma to the cornea of the eye. In some cases a prior injury is not noted. Contamination with collagenase producing microbes results in a progressive ulcer. Bacteria like Streptococcus and Pseudomonas and several species of common fungi, including Aspergillus, are responsible. Infectious corneal ulcers can be a complication of topical steroid use in the eye which lowers the immune systems ability to fight off infection and may potetiate the collagenase. For this reason steroid use is contraindicated when the cornea is traumatized and should be reserved for diseases where an overactive immune system is causing inflammation in the eye, ...more.


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